Bad Weather Blues

Do you find yourself wanting to ditch your exercise plans when the weather is bad, in favor of curling up under a blanket on the couch and watching Netflix? It’s an easy trap to fall into, but the feel-good endorphins from exercise are probably exactly what you need on those dreary sun-less days!

We live in a time with all sorts of incredible cold weather and waterproof exercise gear options for the winter, and many incredible hydration fuel options fo the summer. I can’t tell you exactly how to dress for the weather, because I find it varies greatly from person to person. You need to find what works for you, but I can tell you that when in doubt, layers are your best friend! You will find that you can enjoy a run in almost any weather, as long as you dress properly. Sure, there will be days where getting outside is absolutely not a good idea (ice, hail, lightning). That is what YouTube is for! There are so many wonderful, free, workouts of every type on YouTube, all you have to do is find the right ones for you.

There have been numerous cold/wet wintery days when the last thing I wanted to do was suit up and go out for a run. But once I get myself out the door, I never regret it! I always end up feeling so much better once I have exercised, and I usually even end up enjoying the run.

Do you need help finding the right activity for you on those bad-weather days? Or do you need someone to help you find the motivation? Message me and learn how I can help with personalized coaching!


New Year, Same Me


No shame in the fitness game.