Pudding Muffins
I had a bowl of coffee pudding sitting in the fridge that was leftover from when my sister made my birthday cake. I didn’t really want to eat the pudding by itself, but of course I didn’t want to throw it away either. Google searching did not give me any ideas for things to do with leftover pudding; all the recipes it pulled up called for a box of pudding mix. So, I dug through my muffin recipes to get an idea of basic muffin ingredient amounts, and then I winged it. The result? Tasty, but a tad bit dry. I will probably leave the quick oats out next time. If I ever happen to have leftover pudding again…
If you are the kind of person who only wants tried-and-true recipes that come out perfect every time, don’t try this one. If you are like me, enjoy experimentation, and are ok with the possibility that the end product will be inedible…give this one a try! Make it exactly like I did, or tweak it and make it your own! Let me know how it goes :)