WW 4/20/22 : core workout
This is a workout that focuses entirely on your core, and it doesn’t even require any equipment! All you need is a comfortable floor space.
Complete each exercise for 30 seconds (beginner), 45 seconds (intermediate), or 60 seconds (advanced). Repeat 1-5 rounds.
Modifications : This exercise can be done at a faster or slower tempo; faster to make it more of a cardio exercise, and slower to make it more of a core exercise. If this position is too hard on your wrists, try it at an incline against a wall.
Modifications : To make this exercise harder, try holding the one-handed plank for a few seconds before returning your hand to the ground. To make this exercise easier, do it at an incline against a wall.
Modifications : To make this exercise easier, return your hand and knee to the ground in between each repetition. To make it harder, add a resistance band above your knees.
Modifications : To make this exercise easier, place your feet on the ground. To make this exercise harder, hold a dumbbell in your hands.
Modifications : To make this exercise easier, hold for only a few seconds at a time. To make this exercise harder, try lifting each foot off the ground briefly.