January 2023
Can you believe I’ve been sending out this monthly newsletter for a whole year? It seems like just yesterday that I decided to start this newsletter. I hope you have found something interesting or helpful in each issue! As always, I welcome feedback, and would love to know if there are any particular topics you would like me to write about in a future issue.
Happy New Year! I am embracing the “New Year, Same Me” message this year. I don’t want to be a “new me,” I think it is more important to love and appreciate who we already are, and all the amazing things our bodies allow us to do. This doesn’t mean I don’t believe in making lifestyle changes when needed, I just don’t think it makes us a “new person.” Whatever goals I achieve this year, I will still be me! Perhaps a healthier, stronger, version of me, but still me.
I think sometimes when we get caught up in the “New Year, New Me” message, we come at it from a place of dislike for our bodies or habits. Trying to make improvements from a place of negativity often does not help to produce the desired results. I am always telling my students about the “power of positivity.” You are much more likely to succeed with a positive attitude than with a negative one! Changing your internal narrative can have a big outcome on your results. Instead of being angry or ashamed of your weight or certain habits, take a moment to think about how they developed. Maybe you haven’t had time to go to the gym because you were taking care of a loved one who really needed you. Maybe you gained weight because you grew a human! That was a lot of work for your body, and no matter what the current culture tells you, your body is not supposed to “just bounce back.” 9 months of growing a human is a long time, it is not going to “bounce back” in a few months.
Before you think about how you are going to change, think about what brought you to the place where you are. Then think about your reasons for wanting to change. Try to think less about how you want to look, and more about how you want to feel. Instead of, “I want to lose 10 pounds and be skinnier,” think more along the lines of “I want to be able to do the activities I enjoy without getting winded.” Or, “I want to feel energized after eating instead of bloated.” Then figure out the steps you need to take to achieve your result.
Do you typically make New Year’s resolutions or goals? Did you know that there is a difference between resolutions and goals? A resolution is just a vague statement about something you want to change. A goal is a statement about what you want to change, the steps you will take to get there, and a timeline to accomplish the steps. Goals tend to be more successful than resolutions because they give you a method for achievement. For example, a resolution could be “I am going to lose weight.” A goal would be “I am going to eat more fruits and vegetables to become healthier. I will start by just eating one serving of fruit with breakfast. When that has become a habit, I will add a serving of vegetables with dinner. I will continue like this, gradually adding 1 serving of fruits or vegetables at a time, until I am eating 5-6 servings per day. This will take me 2-3 months.”
Do you need help turning your resolution into an achievable goal? Email me, coach@run4thehills.com.
Meal Prep
Beef - Bread - Green Beans
Did you know that I made a meal prep randomizer? I typed lists of carb, protein, and vegetable choices, and with the click of a button, the spreadsheet gives me a random combination of the three. This week, it chose beef, bread, and green beans. Given that ingredient list, I would make hamburgers and grilled green beans. Relatively quick and easy, and affordable as well, if you can get the hamburgers on sale and use frozen green beans, or luck up with fresh green beans on sale.
Would you like to use the randomizer to help give you meal prep ideas? Click the link below and then click the “make a copy” button. Instructions for how to use the randomizer are at the top of the spreadsheet.
A 10 minute, full body workout circuit by MrandMrsMuscle on YouTube.
A 25 minute video with Adriene on YouTube to start your day on a positive and energizing note.
Cardio : It’s hill time!
Hill repeats are my favorite way to measure improvement over time. I do hill repeats almost every week, but I change up the hill each week so that I may not run repeats on any one hill more than once every month or two. When I run repeats on a hill I haven’t done for more than a month, I like to compare the times to see how I am improving. Lately, I have been seeing big improvements, which to me is a good indicator that I am getting stronger!
If you aren’t used to doing hill repeats, start small this month. Pick a short hill near your house or on your favorite running route, and try walking or slowly jogging up it 3-4 times. The goal isn’t speed yet, it’s just to start getting your body used to the idea of hill repeats.
Currently Recommending
Podcast : The Feisty Women’s Performance Podcast
“Doing something you believe in is called PASSION.
Doing something you don’t believe in is called STRESS.”
In Case You Missed It
My monthly accountability group is new and improved this year! I am posting 4-5 times each week, with posts for each day of the week having a specific theme (Monday - meal prep, Tuesday - Did you know?, Wednesday - workout, etc). There are also a variety of different ways to track your fitness and nutrition throughout the month so that you can find the one that works best for you! Send me a message if you would like to learn more or join the group! This is a great group for motivation and ideas for how to improve your health and fitness, even if you choose not to track your progress.
Do you enjoy this newsletter? Please share with your friends, or consider sending a small tip to support me so I can continue providing helpful content each month.