(Belated) Workout Wednesday
Merry Christmas Eve! I had very good intentions of posting this yesterday, but I was in the car driving home from PA yesterday, and of course I forgot to write the post while I was being lazy on vacation, so here we are. I have posted this workout as part of my "#fitholidays2020 challenge on Instagram (find it @running4thehills).
If you want a quick workout challenge, just complete the exercises from 12 -> 1. If you want a longer challenge, start with exercise 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, etc. until you have completed 12->1. I completed 12 through 1 in approximately 23 minutes.
And just for fun…here’s me completing the last verse of exercises, with a soundtrack of me singing the last verse!
Give the workout a try and let me know how it goes!
And most importantly… have a very Merry Christmas!!