Easy Lasagna
I like lasagna, but I don’t like those “lasagna” cheeses that are all crumbly and have a weird texture in my mouth and (in my opinion) don’t taste that good either. The only cheese in this lasagna is shredded mozzarella, and it came out hubs-approved & delicious!
Notes :
For the ground beef, we used 1 lb of 93/7 and 1 lb of 85/15. The fattier your meat, the greasier the lasagna will be.
To “sneak” in some veggies, add grated carrot to the meat sauce.
To add in less-sneaky veggies, cook a big of frozen mixed vegetables and add a layer of vegetables under each layer of meat sauce.
This recipe makes 12-15 servings, depending on how hungry you are.
I like to smash the lasagna so it heats more evenly in the microwave.
Are you team de-constructed lasagna, or do you like to leave your lasagna layers intact?